Fishing a Wacky or Neko Rig

If you are bass fishing the Wacky and Neko rig needs to be in your tackle. The rigs are similar but work differently. The difference is Neko uses weight. The small weight changes the way the lure moves and why and when to use it.

These two rigs use the same soft plastics, o-rings, and hooks. The Neko uses a weight called a nail weight. Some people cut finishing nails to use as weights. You can buy the weights also. Plus the hooks work with the drop shot technique. You add versatility with a few pieces of terminal tackle also.

what you need to fish a wacky or neko rig
What you need for the rigs

One significant aspect of these techniques is the skill level. They take little skill to catch fish. You cast it out and let it drop. All you do is twitch it once in a while and the fish will strike. The technique is a slow fishing method. Sometimes a slow finesse method outperforms the power techniques

The Differences between the Wacky and Neko Rig

Besides, the weight in the Neko. There are a few differences in when, why, and where to use the technique. You should ask this of any lure. Why are you using the lure? Where do I use a lure? What time is the lure the best choice? As a result, you will make better choices in lure selection.

These lures offer control over the fall rate and action. Using a stick bait or trick worm has a change in profile and how they fall. A stick bait is thicker and falls faster. The trick worm is thin and falls slower. As a result, it is limp and wiggles more in the fall. This applies to fishing both, the wacky and Neko rig.

If you want more action a trick worm is the choice. It will flutter more making it more of a visible cue to fish. This is better with fish that are active and near the bottom. The stick bait is thicker and stiffer. It will be subtle in action. This entices the finicky or pressured fish to at least check it out. If you leave it sit long enough and move it slightly. The fish tend to strike also.

How to Rig the Lures

Rigging the wacky is simple. You can hook the bait through the center or use the o-rings common to many anglers using the wacky. The advantages of the o-rings are you lose less bait and more of the hook is exposed. You can use a size 1 to 1/0 hook. Hooking through the center uses a 1/0 to 2/0 hook.

If you want to watch a video of how to rig the baits.

This is the basic method for rigging Wacky or Neko rigs. The tool makes placing the o-rings on the worm easier and faster.

  1. Load O-rings onto the tool

    You unscrew the end of the tool to load.loading the wacky rig tool

  2. Place soft plastic into the tool

    You slide the worm into the tool. Then slide an O-ring onto the wormPlacing an O-ring on the worm for a wacky rig

  3. Put the hook under the O-ring

    The hook is slipped under the o-ring

  4. Using two O-rings

    The hook can be placed at 90 degrees using two O-rings. Cross the O-rings to form an X. This type of rigging may work better at times.

  5. The Neko uses a nail weight

    The Neko is the same except for a nail weight. The hook point needs to be pointed up from the weight as shown. The O-ring can be closer to the weighted end at about 1/3rd the worm length.

How do You Fish A Wacky Rig

The wacky rig is good for shallow water. The bait flutters down horizontally and slowly. Fish hit the lure on the fall often. Use the soft plastics that have the flutter and fall the way you want. It is a good idea to have both the trick worms and stick baits. Although it is a small difference in the fall and action. At times, it makes a big difference.

Throw the wacky rig on shallow flats above drop-offs and ledges. You can use it on the outside edges of weed lines. If using in brush or fall downs use a weedless wacky hook. Plus, one of the best uses is skipping under docks or tree branches. That creates shade along the shoreline. You can get the lure into tight spots by skipping the bait.

How do You Fish A Neko Rig

As mentioned before, the rigs use the same hooks and optional o-rings. The Neko rig uses weight at the end of the soft plastic. There are nail weights that go all the way into the bait. Plus shroom head weights that keep the weight at the tip of the bait. People cut finishing nails and use them also.

The Neko is good for deeper water. Plus, when the bass is holding at the bottom. You adjust the weight for depth and rate of fall. Neko rigs can be weedless if the need arises also. The bait will tend to fall at an angle or spiral towards the bottom. You use it the same as a wacky with a different action and fall.

If using weights that stick out of the end of the bait. Avoid lead and use nails or tungsten weights. They make a clicking sound bouncing on rocks and hard surfaces. The lead makes a dull thud. Fish will check out clicking sounds and tend to ignore dull thuds.

Wacky Rig Tool and O-rings on Amazon

1/0 Wide Gap Hooks 25ct. pack on Amazon

Soft Plastics on Amazon


Fishing the wacky and Neko rig is the same with an exception. The Neko uses nail weights, the wacky does not use weights. You hook the bait in the center or use a tool and o-rings to attach the hook. The lure is simple to learn and use. Cast it out and let it fall. When it hits the bottom use small twitches to retrieve it. Allow it to sit for 10-45 seconds. Repeat the twitch and pause for the retrieve.



