How to Set the Drag for Fishing

Beginners need to know how to set the drag for fishing. People tell you to pull on the line. If it feels good you are alright, this is inaccurate. Your arm is not a test scale. Then you have the make it as tight as you can technique, simply wrong. These are the people breaking their lines and rods. There are a few ways to set your drag. There is one way that is easy. You can do the process anywhere.

how to set the drag
Set the drag by the load on your rod

Start off by turning the drag down low. This prevents you from breaking the rod. You will tighten the drag while setting it. You will set it properly too. A properly set drag allows you to catch more fish. Your hooksets will penetrate. The line will not break. In other words, you land almost all the fish. This works for spinning and baitcasting reels.

The Best Method to Set the Drag for Fishing

This method uses the rod’s action and power. Use caution and do not pull too hard as you set the drag. Take into account the line strength also. Do not exceed the line strength. Breaking the line during the process may cause a broken rod. Avoid high-sticking the rod. High-sticking a rod will break it. Do not lift the rod past 45-50 degrees.

Attach the end of the line to something. Keep it low to the ground, less than waist-high. Tie it to a tree, car bumper, or whatever is close and easy to use. Back away about 10-12 feet, farther for rods 7 1/2 feet or longer. Lift the rod up to 45 degrees. The drag will slip and the rod will have little bending. This is loading the rod’s power and action. Tighten the drag some and lift again. The rod will bend more.

You repeat the process until the rod tip points toward where you tied the end of the line. Your rod has a full load. It is set to the power and action of the rod. Use caution as you get close to a full load of the rod. Reels vary on how much is needed to tighten the drag. Some reels will take more turning and a few take little. I suggest going slow when the rod starts to bend close to full load.


Using the method above sets a drag to correct resistance. You get good hooksets and the line does not break. The rod, reel, and line all work together in balance. The rod uses its flexibility to control and fight the fish. If a fish pull too hard the drag allows out some line. If you try setting the hook too hard the drag prevents the line from breaking.

This prevents damage to rods and the reel also. People running a tight drag breaks rods more often. The reel has pressure on the internal components creating more wear and tear. Your equipment lasts longer with a properly set drag.

On another note, loosen the drag after fishing completion. Some reels will have drag failure in a year or two with the drag left set tighter. Reels use spring washers for the force in the drag system. The washers get flattened out from constant pressure.



